Government Agencies of the Republic of West Who

 West Who Government Officials


President - Ronald Hall,  Vice President - Ramesh Kumar,  Minister of Defense - Bill Farr,  Minister of Foreign Affairs - Michael Farr,  Chief Justice of the Supreme Court - Chris Roberts,  Supreme Court Justice - Thomas Gallager,  Supreme Court Justice - Amirali Abdollahi,  Supreme Court Justice - Nadav Sundy,  Supreme Court Justice - Owen Ervin,  Supreme Court Justice - Sameer Shaik, Supreme Court Justice - Greg Roberts, Governor of Africa Region - Anthony Ezeimo, Governor of European Region - Nicola Pillonetto,  Governor of Oceania Region - Ala Fry,  Governor North America Region - Jorge Raul Mendez,  Governor Asia Region - Dr. Hemanshu Parmar, Governor of South America Region - Vincente De la Plaza,  Mayor of Whoville - Daniel Scott, Minister of Justice - Alexander Seipt,  Deputy Minister of Justice - Onkar Singh,  Minister of Education - Anne Farr,  Deputy Minister of Education - Jaclynn Morrow,  Minister of Finance - Paul Tapas, Surgeon General - Dr. Tariq Alvi,  Minister of Citizens Affairs - John Farr,  Minister of Communications - Richard Shivers,  Minister of Environment - Margaret Neiderer,  Deputy Minister of Environment - Hayley Farr,  Minister of Transportation - Lidia Vogel,  Space Agency Director - Kevin Farr,  Minister of Culture - Mohammad Iqbal,  National Chief of Police - John O'Shea,  Intelligence Service Director - Mr. Akers,  Police Commissioner North America - Hector Gomez,  Police Commissioner Europe - Marco Baldan,  Police Commissioner Africa - Oladapo Telejaye,  Olympic Team Director - Mac Roberts,  Sports Director - Peter Roberts.

Ambassadors and other diplomatic personnel - Australia - Ala Fry (Ambassador), Bangladesh - Rakib Hasan (Ambassador), Nittanondo Barmon (Deputy Ambassador), Chile - Patricio De la Plaza (Ambassador),  Democratic Republic of Congo - Dr. Geoffroy Claise Youlou (Ambassador),  European Union - Robert Bartlett, France - Michael Laurent (Ambassador),  Greece - Christos Kazantzoglou (Ambassador), Germany - Bronco Bregenzer (Ambassador), Andrew Harrod (Deputy Ambassador), India - Hemanshu Parmar (Ambassador), Adam Syed (Cultural Attache),  Iran - Amirali Abdollahi (Ambassador),  Ireland - Bob Alexander (Ambassador), Israel - Alex Levin (Ambassador), Menachem Michelson (Deputy Ambassador), Italy - Stefano Ulivieri (Ambassador), Salvatore Pani (Deputy Ambassador), Kuwait - Syed Peman Mazahir (Ambassador), Malaysia - Iman Darwish (Ambassador), New Zealand - Dragan Sendar (Ambassador), Nigeria - Valentine Nwankwo (Ambassador), Ola Omosegbon (Deputy Ambassador), Pakistan - Abdul Kabir (Ambassador), Asif Malik (Deputy Ambassador), Ali Ahmed (Cultural Attache), Qatar - Isank Tiwari (Ambassador),  Romania - Ioana Ripeanu (Charge d'Affaires), Singapore - Valliammai Parandhaman (Ambassador), South Africa - Nadav Sundy (Ambassador),  Spain - Sheila Munoz Fernandez (Ambassador),  Sri Lanka - Fasaj Hinayathulla (Ambassador), Sweden - Ulf Adolfsson (Ambassador), Switzerland - Vacant (Ambassador), Thailand - Quamrul Millat (Ambassador), Turkey - Mertcan Deniz (Ambassador),  Uganda - Tumusiime Jacob (Ambassador) United Kingdom - John Lowndes (Ambassador), United States - Connor Hetner (Consul General Iowa), Trenton Partain (Consul General Oklahoma), Brogan Adkins (Consul General West Virginia).

Republic of West Who Senators - Dr. Tariq Alvi 2025, Gary Pu 2025, Sourya Sarangi 2025, Tyler Wilson 2025, John Lowndes 2025, Dr. Hemanshu Parmar 2025, Charles Milner 2025, Taylor Cockerill 2025, Taha Amin 2026, Isank Tiwari 2026, Asa Ward 2026, Haris Khan 2026, Dr. Stefano Ulivieri 2026, Seth Farr 2026, Reilly Roberts 2026, Iman Darwish 2027, Deanna Spencer 2027, Paul Tapas 2027, Dr. Stefano Ulivieri 2027, Fakhar Jamal 2027, Adithya H.M. 2027, Connor Hetner 2027, Filippo Bagarolo 2027, Vittorio Barbi 2027.  (Date is when term expires)



West Who National Museum

The West Who National Museum was created to engage visitors, foster deeper understanding of West Who history and culture and promote the enjoyment and sharing of our cultural and natural heritage. Our Museum acquires, preserves, researches, interprets and exhibits items of West Who society, history and nature. 

 Fossil displayed in the museum
 First bottle of distilled spirits produced in West Who 1971
Cuneiform tablet mentioning West Who 5000 years ago.

Interesting Information

Republic of West Who -                      A happy place for everyone! 

Since 1969 West Who has been an independent nation, with citizens living in over 55 nations around the world.


West Who Intelligence Service, the world's smallest spy agency.  Check out the people who keep West Who safe.   



Check out the West Who Flag video on YouTube West Who National Anthem


Horton Hears a Who is the favorite reading book of West Who children.     

MicroCon 2019 in Canada was attended by 44 micronations including West Who, check out the video of events MicroCon 2019


The West Who Space and Planet Exploration Agency - Can West Who put a person on the Moon?

What is a micronation? Watch this HBO/Vice News story and find out. It features MicroCon 2017 an international summit of micronations, including West Who. 


West Who ID cards are available to citizens for $35 US dollars or ($175 West Who dollars).  Contact the Ministry of Citizen Affairs for more information. Instagram West Who
MicroCon 2019 former President Farr

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The Whoville News is a member of The Micronational Press Council which is responsible for promoting good standards of media practice, community access to information of public interest, and freedom of expression through micronational media.


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