Federation Treaty of California Micronations 1972
The Federation Treaty officially called the Treaty of the Charter Members of the Federation was signed by four California micronations in 1972. The leaders of the nations of Iswas (Craig Carter), USSM (Mark Jones), West Who (John Farr) and Now What (Randy Jensen) signed a mutual aid treaty. The four nations were among twelve micronations that had developed in California in the early 1970s. The Federation Treaty agreed that member nations would create a federation force which would amount to 5% of the military of each nation to act as a security and protection force. It also stipulated that signatories should expect kindness from each other, not declare war on each other and behave as the treaty stated as "an ally is an ally forever". The treaty was signed by Prime Minister Craig Carter, Supreme Commander Mark Jones, President John Farr and Emperor Randy Jensen in Corona, California.
California Micronations of the 1970s - The Federation Treaty members came from a group of micronations established between late 1969 and 1975 in Southern California. The nations and their leaders were West Who - President John Farr, IsWas - Prime Minister Craig Carter, U.S.S.M. (United Socialist Serving Mark) - Supreme Commander Mark Jones, Now What - Emperor Randy Jensen, Republic of Nitshky Vitskay - Dictator Dyke Reese, North Where - President Mike Farr, New Burg - Leader Billy Farr, Confederation of Merea - President Jim Drake, Wassaki - Dictator Brian Limbaugh, South Has - Leader Gary Becker, South Why - President Glenn Miles, Has Been - President Ronnie Hall. All nations are defunct with the exception of West Who.
Original Federation Treaty - 1972
Interesting Information
Republic of West Who - A happy place for everyone!
Since 1969 West Who has been an independent nation, with citizens living in over 55 nations around the world.
West Who Intelligence Service, the world's smallest spy agency. Check out the people who keep West Who safe. west-who-spy-agency.webnode.page
Check out the West Who Flag video on YouTube West Who National Anthem
Horton Hears a Who is the favorite reading book of West Who children.
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The West Who Space and Planet Exploration Agency - Can West Who put a person on the Moon? www.westwhospace.com
What is a micronation? Watch this HBO/Vice News story and find out. It features MicroCon 2017 an international summit of micronations, including West Who.
West Who ID cards are available to citizens for $35 US dollars or ($175 West Who dollars). Contact the Ministry of Citizen Affairs for more information.

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is located in Denver, Colorado Like us at Government of West Who on Facebook. It is an easy way to follow what is going on in our country. WestWho.gov@gmail.com